Level Zero 2: The Flying Carpet

Level Zero 2: The Flying Carpet

Level Zero 2: The Flying Carpet with Klaus Pffafenzeller Sculpture:Materials: copper, glass, light, film strips, motors, acoustic sensors, projection surface.Computer programmable synthesizer, photo resistors, loudspeakers, fabric. Individual objects, each with a...
Light sculpture:  The Flying Arrow

Light sculpture: The Flying Arrow

Light sculpture “The Flying Arrow” Stuttgart – Harbour, 1996.Material: Copper, electric motors, light, fabric, film strips, projection wheels In the autumn of 1996, I used footage from photos I had taken with a Super 8 camera in 1993 for a light installation called...
Kinetic Installations I

Kinetic Installations I

Kinetic Installations I Infinity – House of Literature Stuttgart, 2014 Filmstrip:Muybridge – Man Running/1878/ Serial photography on collodion plates.Zajfert – Woman Running/2014/ 3D Computer Animation Light sculpture – Dotyk motyla -BWA...