Kinetic Installations I

Infinity – House of Literature Stuttgart, 2014

Muybridge – Man Running/1878/ Serial photography on collodion plates.
Zajfert – Woman Running/2014/ 3D Computer Animation

Light sculpture – Dotyk motyla -BWA Wroclaw 1998

Material: 5 copper sculptures, light, paper, fabric, projection wheels with film strips, electric motors.

Dotyk motyla, BWA Wroclaw 1998
Dotyk motyla, BWA Wroclaw 1998

Light sculpture – Dotyk motyla – KH Stuttgart 2000.

Material: 5 copper sculptures, light, paper, fabric, projection wheels with film strips, electric motors.

Dotyk motyla, KH Stuttgart, 2000
Dotyk motyla, KH Stuttgart, 2000
Dotyk motyla, KH Stuttgart, 2000

Photo exhibition on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the city of Ludwigsburg

Camera Obscura, photographs, installation “Man Running 1878

Ausstellungseröffnung in der Galerie PH Ludwigsburg, Przemek Zajfert