Camera Obscura, Schwabinger Weihnachtsmarkt, P. und P. Zajfert

Przemek and Patrick Zajfert at the Schwabing Christmas Market in Munich, December 2012

Przemek Zajfert – born in Poland in 1959. Abitur and studies of geology at the University of Wroclaw/Breslau. He had his first encounter with photography in a photo club. In 1981 he was called up for Polish military service, where he worked as a regimental photographer. AS the political pressure of the communist regime increased, he decided to flee. Since 1985 he has lived and worked as a freelance light and photo artist in Stuttgart.

For more than 20 years, he travelled the world with his “Black Box” and the simplest pinhole cameras. The cube was his gallery, his creative studio and sometimes even his sleeping place. He always regarded the peculiar images that emerged on his journey only as a concomitant of his art. Time, transience and emptiness are themes that run like a thread through his work. In his works, Zajfert uses the technique of the pinhole camera as well as the technique of heliography, which Niepce developed between 1822 and 1826. Heliography was the first photographic process that made it possible to permanently capture an image with a camera obscura.

Together with his long-time friend Burkhard Walter, he founded the online project “camera obscura/2005/1-inf”. The project, dedicated to the work of Roman Opalka, started in 2005 and continues to this day, making it one of the longest running online art projects in the world.

In 2010, he launched the participatory project: “The 7th Day”. As Niepce’s influence is a constant guest in Zajfert’s work, this project is based on another photographic experiment he conducted in 1816. To date, over 13,000 people have taken part in the project and taken a photo that has been exposed for at least 7 days to several years. Places, objects and moments find their alienated imprint on the photographic paper and experience a new aesthetic dimension in overlapping layers of time.

Zajfert’s kinetic installations, based on Muybrig’s movement studies, attempt to capture the poetics of the moment, which is so difficult to put into words.

Author of several illustrated books and artist books, including: Camera Obscura Tübingen, Camera Obscura Heidelberg, Monolith.


Exhibitions and projects:

Ostrzeszowski Cross nie tylko na bieżni, Wystawa Fotograficzna, KF KADR — Czesław Bojszczak, Przemysław Zajfert, Marek Dytfeld 1979 Wystawa fotograficzna — Lasek Klasztorny w Ostrzeszowie A.D. 1982 Janusz Gajda, Przemysław Zajfert, wrzesień 1982 Lichtskulptur, Der fliegende Pfeil, Stuttgart — Hafen, 1996 In einem dunklen Raum…, Installation, Stuttgart — Hafen,1997 Vietnam Diskurs, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 1999 Camera Obscura, BWA Wroclaw – Galerie DESIGN (mit Marek Pozniak), 1999 Malerei mit Licht und Pixeln, (mit Kurt Buchwald, Arno Fischer, Jerzy T Lewczynski, Marek Pozniak) Altes Rathaus, Kulturhaus Potsdam, 2000 Camera Obscura, KIK, Stuttgart (mit Marek Pozniak), Tunnel Art, Fotografie, Installation, Tübingen, 2000 Magic Orchid, Installation, französische Filmtage, Tübingen, 2001 Malerei mit Licht und Pixeln, (mit Kurt Buchwald, Arno Fischer, Jerzy T Lewczynski, Marek Pozniak) Ausstellungszentrum und Ludwig-A.-Meyer Haus, Guben, 2001 The secret of the black box, Installation, Candela, Stuttgart, 2002 Ebene Null 2, Licht-Klang Installation, Stuttgart (mit Klaus Pfaffenzeller), 2002 Puzzle kleine Schalterhalle, Installation, Buchvorstellung, Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof, 2004 Camera Obscura, (mit Marek Pozniak), Mala Galeria, Warschau, Polen, 2004 Camera Obscura 2005/1-inf, Internet Projekt (mit Burkhard Walther), 2005 – bis heute, •  Camera Obscura, Wiesbadener Fototage, Galerie Pokusa, 2006 Kraj, Galeria der Ort, Berlin, 2008 Kraj, Galeria Sztuki Wspolczesnej Opole, 2008 Mission Mars, (mit Wanda Kossak) Fotografie, Fleischmann, NY, 2009 Camera Obscura, Fotografie, Installation, PH Ludwigsburg, 2009 Fotografie, Installation, Star Gallery, Böblingen, 2010 Camera Obscura, Fotografie, Installation, Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, 2010 Camera Obscura, (mit Marek Pozniak) Galeria FF, Łódź, 2011 Langzeitbelichtungen – Camera Obscura, (mit Frank Schön) Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 2011 Camera Obscura 2005/1-inf, (mit Burkhard Walther), Gedok Galerie, Stuttgart, 2011 • THE 7th DAY, Internet Projekt, 2012 – bis heute • Camera Obscura, Labirynt, Frankfurt/Oder, 2012 750 Bilder für Sindelfingen – Ein Kunst- und Mitmach – Projekt der Bürger für Sindelfingen (mit Martin Hein), 2013 Dialog der Städte, Galerie der Gruppe GRAZ, Regensburg, 2013 Edition 1959, KUNSTRAUM SCHWIFTING, Schwifting, 2013 Vermessung der Zeit, Kunstkabinett der WMF-Fischhalle, Geislingen, 2013 Vermessung der Zeit – Camera Obscura, Literaturhaus Stuttgart, 2014 Der 7. Tag: Silber, Lavendel, Asphalt, Sonne und Zeit, THE 7th DAY, TEDxStuttgart, 2014 THE 7th DAY, Camera Obscura – Orte des Übersetzens, Ljubljana  2015 EDITION – Weil der Stadt 100/2015, (mit Thomas Hahn-Klinger) Wendelinskapelle, Weil der Stadt, 2015 Methamorphosen – Deutsch-Polnisches Kunstprojekt, 2015 Wystawa „Światło – czuła” w ramach Fotofestiwalu w Łodzi, 2016 700 Tage Metzingen – Camera Obscura Mapping, (mit Ulrich Koch), Metzingen, 2017 Das Projekt „THE 7th DAY“ hat mein Sohn Patrick übernohmen, 2017 Przemek & Patrick Zajfert – „the 7th day – Camera Obscura Project“, „Heliographien“, „I AM“, Galerie Piwnica Papugi, Stuttgart, 2018 Now and forever – Heliography for my sons, Festiwal Fotografii “Interphoto”, Galeria BTL, Białystok, 2019

 The project “No Words” was shortlisted for the Felix Schoeller Photo Award in the category “German Peace Prize for Photography, 2023 Herrenberger Straßengalerie Award, 2022  Herrenberger Straßengalerie Award, 2019 Złota Sowa Polonii (Polonia Goldene Eule), in der Kategorie Bildende Kunst, 2014 Herrenberger Straßengalerie Award, 2009